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How to place hanging icon in upper right corner of Card composable

How can I achieve the effect shown below in the picture on a Card composable, with the X icon, for instance, hanging in the upper right corner? I don't want the rounded corners nor the black background, just the icon hanging in the upper right corner of the Card . I couldn't achieve this despite several attempts.


Original Code on SO

    modifier = Modifier
    contentAlignment = Alignment.TopEnd
) {
        painter = painterResource(
            id = R.drawable.ic_launcher_foreground,
        contentDescription = "",
        modifier = Modifier
        contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
        onClick = {},
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
            imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Close,
            contentDescription = "",

Possible Code Structure?

Box(...) {

    Card(...) {
        Image(...) {
    IconButton(...) {
        Icon(...) {

You can do it in many ways. One of them is using Modifier.offset{}, another one using Modifier.graphicsLayer{} and setting translationX and translationY params, or Layout that places your Icon based on Image Composables.

private fun MyIconBox() {

    val iconSize = 24.dp
    val offsetInPx = LocalDensity.current.run { (iconSize / 2).roundToPx() }

    Box(modifier = Modifier.padding((iconSize / 2))) {

        Card {
                modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp),
                painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.landscape4),
                contentDescription = null,
                contentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds

            onClick = {},
            modifier = Modifier
                .offset {
                    IntOffset(x = +offsetInPx, y = -offsetInPx)
        ) {
                imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Close,
                contentDescription = "",



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