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Naming a class property in C#

I have a data in mongodb collection

  "2021": [
      "id": 0,
      "entity": "FA3T1",
      "value": 16,

Can anyone please suggest what would be the name of the class to be mentioned in c# for the property so as to deserialize the data from mongodb

I have tried the below option:


2021 is not a valid property name in C#; you can use a valid property name and mark the property with a BsonElement attribute to connect it with the corresponding BSON property, eg:

public IEnumerable<MyType> Data2021 { get; set; }

However, if there is a 2021 element in BSON, there might also be a 2020 and 2022 . In this case, you could have a look at dictionary serialization that allows to fill a dictionary like with keys for the years and values for the corresponding data. You can use the BsonDictionaryOptions attribute in this case.

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