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Logs are getting truncated and showing this " Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace" in weblogic console?

I am using WebLogic Console to see logs but my logs are truncated and showing this message

Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace

How to show full logs for exception stacktrace. For logs, I am using log4j2.xml file configuration.

Please refer the below screenshot and anyone please give me a solution or suggestion.

public void printStackTrace(int level, Throwable e) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream ops = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(ops);


By default, the stack trace depth is set to 5 lines, only for stdout. You can update this parameter in the admin console for instance: Servers//logging/Advanced, parameter "stdout Stack Trace Depth"
Set it to -1 to see complete stack traces.

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