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net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED while uploading picture to s3 bucket

I am using angular to create my application. Am trying to upload a picture to s3 bucket but everytime i try uploading it, this error shows in my console.


Here's my upload.service.ts file code

  uploadBarcode(file: any) {
    const uniqueId: number = Math.floor(Math.random() * Date.now());
    const file_name: string = 'lab_consignments/'+uniqueId + "_" + file.name ;
    const contentType = file.type;
    const bucket = new S3(
        accessKeyId: myAccessKey,
        secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey,
        region: 'Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1'
    const params = {
      Bucket: 'chc-uploads',
      Key: file_name,
      Body: file,
      ACL: 'public-read',
      ContentType: contentType

    return bucket.upload(params, function (err, data) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('There was an error uploading your file: ', err);
        localStorage.setItem('docDataStatus', 'false');
        return false;

      else {
        console.log('Successfully uploaded file from service');
        return true;

the access key and secret access key are statically typed in my code so don't worry about it. i just changed those to the variable names because of security issues while posting this question to stack overflow.

Any help would be appreciated.

Though this does not answer your initial question, as Marcin said with your AWS credentials, hard-coding them into your code is very bad practice and should be avoided at all costs. For frontend applications, this can be performed by having a simple API endpoint generate you a signed upload URL to the S3 bucket:


To actually answer your question , you are likely seeing the error because the region you are passing is incorrectly formatted.

    const bucket = new S3(
        region: 'ap-south-1'


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