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How to correctly map godaddy domain to gcloud app engine project?

I've deployed a nuxtjs app to gcloud app engine as described in nuxtjs docs using gcloud cli - gcloud app deploy [app-project-id] after that I browse the app with gcloud app browse -s nuxt and it works fine, but after I added my custom domain dns records to godaddy , the domain shows nothing and I got the screenshot below when I visit the live domain.


However it was working very well when it was deployed on heroku, It's been an hour since I added app engine dns record to godaddy , and the result still the same, does it takes this much time?, and how can I fix this?

According to the App Engine Custom domains docs , in some cases, it takes several hours for the DNS configuration changes to take effect.

but in some cases it can take up to several hours

Then I checked this DNS lookup tool and I saw that your domain name vetution.com has an A record of and which is not related to App Engine ip address. I suggest removing the said IP addresses in your domain provider (Go daddy)


Also, Another A record is pointed to www.vetution.com .


If the issue still persists. You should contact the Google Cloud App Engine Support team since we don't have visibility on your project.

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