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Data doesn't arrive to QuantumLeap

After creating a subscription well, with a tenant, the JSON data doesn't arrive to QuantumLeap. I can see the data flow using Wireshark, and the data doesn't go where it should. It should go to QuantumLeap and CrateDB so i can visualize it in Grafana. Here is the created subscription inside MongoDB:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("62e39ebb8aa7c71c4b3e6c03"), "expiration" : NumberLong("9223372036854775807"), "reference" : "http://quantumleap:8668/v2/notify", "custom" : false, "timeout" : NumberLong(0), "throttling" : NumberLong(5), "maxFailsLimit" : NumberLong(-1), "servicePath" : "/", "status" : "active", "statusLastChange" : 1659084475.8351967, "entities" : [ { "id" : "SensTemp.*", "isPattern" : "true" } ], "attrs" : [ "temperature" ], "metadata" : [ "dateCreated", "dateModified" ], "blacklist" : false, "onlyChanged" : false, "description" : "Notify QuantumLeap when the temperature changes", "conditions" : [ "temperature" ], "expression" : { "q" : "", "mq" : "", "geometry" : "", "coords" : "", "georel" : "" }, "format" : "normalized" }

But the data doesn't arrive to quantum... Little help please?

YES, The answer was my idPattern! It should be as an ID in the entity creation, like it is created in MongoDB! Problem solved!

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