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Difference between a const reference parameter and const parameter in the context of a function

I tend to use const reference parameters when calling functions assuming this would be efficient since copies of the same wouldn't not be made. Accidentally I changed the function parameter in a function that previously had a const reference parameter to const now, and I observed that the code size is reduced upon compilation.

To check this, I looked into the assembly of a MWE :

#include <cstdint>

void foo(const int n)
    int a = n + 1;

void foo(const int& n)
    int a = n + 1;

On line 19 of the generated assembly code, I see an additional step ldr r3, [r3] in the case of void foo(const int& n) when compared to void foo(const int n) . I assume this is the reference to variable n (I could be wrong, please forgive me).

So, my question is, why is the code larger when passing via reference and also what method is efficient?

A reference can be understood as something in between a name alias and a pointer. From What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable? :

A compiler keeps "references" to variables, associating a name with a memory address. Its job is to translate any variable name to a memory address when compiling. When you create a reference, you only tell the compiler that you assign another name to the pointer variable; that's why references cannot "point to null". A variable cannot be, and not be at the same time. Pointers are variables; they contain the address of some other variable, or can be null. The important thing is that a pointer has a value, while a reference only has a variable that it is referencing.

  • On a 32 bit-machine, a pointer has 4 bytes ( 4*8 = 32 bits) while on a 64-bit machine a pointer has 8 bytes ( 8*8 = 64 bits), because that is the size of a single memory address.

  • On a 32 bit-machine, int , long are each 4 bytes (32 bits) quantities. On most 64-bit systems, long becomes 8 bytes (64 bits), but int remains 32-bit (4 bytes).

[Speaking about primitive types, the size of char is fixed at 1 byte (or CHAR_BIT = 8 bits) explicitly in the C++ standard.]

Given that passing a const reference as function parameter requires the compiler to dig for the memory address of the referenced variable, in case the variable is a primitive type such as int or char the digging in memory ( pointer is 8 bytes) is going to be more expensive than passing the variable itself by value (4 bytes for int , 1 byte for char ).

The question is about the efficiency of parameters passed by const reference . Of course, a function accepting a parameter by non-const reference would have the advantage - unrelated to efficiency - of allowing modifications of the referenced variable to persist, when control goes back to the caller.

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