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BigDecimal - too many leading zeros in fraction part

I wish to sum up two numbers. They are BigDecimals.

n1 = 0.0000000040.toBigDecimal() 
n2 = 0.0000000030.toBigDecimal() 
println(n1 + n2) //result: 7.0E-9

How can I fix it to get the result 0.0000000070 as BigDecimal?


println((n1 + n2).toPlainString())

You can use string format to have the desired output.

val n1 = 0.0000000040.toBigDecimal()
val n2 = 0.0000000030.toBigDecimal()

// addition of BigDecimals
val n3 = n1 + n2 
val n4 = n1.add(n2)

// "Returns a string representation of this BigDecimal without an exponent field."

// formatted output
val n3output = String.format("%.10f", n3)

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