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How to copy Tuples to clipboard

I have to copy three different data to the clipboard. So I create a Tuple and copy it to the clipboard and then I copy it to clipboard

var newTuple = new Tuple<Component, Color?, bool?>(CopyComponent, headerColour_Copied, IsHeaderForegroundDark_Copied);

when copying I get an exception which translated may sound like "Other data are available". I also tried to purge the clipboard but that was of no help.


Please notice that if I don't make a Tuple but set each datum separately everything is fine.

So can't tuples be copied to clipboard??

I also tried to box each of the three datum into an object without but still fails

Thanks for helping


Generic types typically don't play very well outside the realm of. net; try sending a plain array of values instead:

Clipboard.SetDataObject(new object[] { CopyComponent, headerColour_Copied, IsHeaderForegroundDark_Copied });

Clipboard content can be consumed by any application; basic intrinsic types are a safer bet here.

Fortunately, we can store ValueTuple or Tuple on the Clipboard and retrieve it as a serializable data object.

// using System.Windows;
public void TupleClipboardTest1()
    (int, string) original = (11, "Eleven");

    Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Serializable, original);

    object retrieved = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Serializable);

    Debug.WriteLine(retrieved.GetType()); // System.ValueTuple`2[System.Int32,System.String]

    (int, string) restored = (ValueTuple<int, string>)retrieved;

    Debug.WriteLine(restored.Item1); // 11
    Debug.WriteLine(restored.Item2); // Eleven
// using System.Windows;
public void TupleClipboardTest2()
    Tuple<int, string> original = (11, "Eleven").ToTuple();

    Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Serializable, original);

    object retrieved = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Serializable);

    Debug.WriteLine(retrieved.GetType()); // System.Tuple`2[System.Int32, System.String]

    Tuple<int, string> restored = (Tuple<int, string>)retrieved;

    Debug.WriteLine(restored.Item1); // 11
    Debug.WriteLine(restored.Item2); // Eleven

Of cource, its items must be serializable as well. Otherwise it causes a COMException.

// using System.Windows;
public void TupleClipboardTest3()
    (int, System.Windows.Media.Color) original = (11, System.Windows.Media.Colors.Gray);

    Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Serializable, original);

    object retrieved = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Serializable); // System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Data on clipboard is invalid (0x800401D3 (CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA))'

Therefore, we need to convert an non-serializable item to a serializable object beforehand.

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