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Traverse/sequence and Array<Either<E, A>> into Either<Array<E>, Array<A>> in fp-ts

I have a list of entities where even one failed validation would yield an error. However, I'd still like to iterate the whole list and collect all the errors for further logging.

Traverse/sequence with a default Either's Applicative would yield Either<E, A[]> (only the first encountered error) instead of needed Either<E[], A[]> .

Is there a default tool in the library to achieve this, or could it be achieved by writing a custom Applicative?

There's no fp-ts function that does this directly, but you could use getApplicativeValidation from the Either module:

import * as E from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'
import * as RA from 'fp-ts/lib/ReadonlyArray'
import {pipe} from 'fp-ts/lib/function'

const collectErrors = <E, A>(
  xs: readonly E.Either<E, A>[]
): E.Either<readonly E[], readonly A[]> =>

// Left(['a', 'b'])
collectErrors([E.left('a'), E.right(1), E.left('b'))])
// Right([1, 2])
collectErrors([E.right(1), E.right(2)])
// Right([])

How this works is that getApplicativeValidation takes a Semigroup instance and returns an Applicative instance that can be used with traverse . The applicative instance will combine errors using the semigroup instance.

  // The applicative instance for the either that will collect the errors 
  // into an array
    // The semigroup instance for readonly E[], which concatenates the arrays
  // Turn each Either<E, A> into Either<readonly E[], A> by putting each error
  // inside an array so they can be concatenated

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