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Fyne Table not showing data initially

I have a Fyne table that I am populating with data

type transaction struct {
    Name   string
    Amount float64
    Date   time.Time
    Memo   string

var transactions []transaction

func init() {// Data population omitted }

func makeCenter() *fyne.Container {
    table := widget.NewTable(
        func() (int, int) {
            return len(transactions), 4
        func() fyne.CanvasObject {
            return widget.NewLabel("wide content")
        func(i widget.TableCellID, o fyne.CanvasObject) {
            switch i.Col {
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
                o.(*widget.Label).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", transactions[i.Row].Amount))
            case 3:
    table.SetColumnWidth(0, 200)
    table.SetColumnWidth(1, 100)
    table.SetColumnWidth(2, 100)
    table.SetColumnWidth(3, 300)
    split := container.NewHSplit(makeLeftSidebar(), table)
    split.Offset = 0.2
    return container.NewMax(split)

When my window initially is displayed, the table has no data在此处输入图像描述

If I click in any cell, the data populates在此处输入图像描述

I have run this through the debugger and have found that the NewTable 's create function does not get called when the UI is created. Only after a click do I get a break in the create function.

Sounds like something that should be listed in the bug tracker on GitHub rather than here…

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