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Windows Form PictureBox Save Image and Background property

with a button i choose the Image (photo Frame) and i add the image to picturebox.image property With other button i choose a Photo and i add the image to the same picturebox but to the picturebox.background

Whith another button i create a.jpg file But only save the picture.image need to save all.. .image with background.

do u know how can i save the picture with the background. many thxs

the image explain my form

It sounds like this is the sort of thing you're after:

using (var compositeImage = new Bitmap(width, height))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(compositeImage))
    g.DrawImage(myPictureBox.BackgroundImage, 0, 0);
    g.DrawImage(myPictureBox.Image, 0, 0);


You'll need to determine exactly what size to use for the composite image and the location to draw the original images.

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