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Vim: How Can I Have Relative Line Numbers but Replace the Current Line With the True Line Number

If I set relativenumber , then Vim will show relative line numbers. And the current line will show as 0 . But I would like for it to show the actual line number. I know that I can simply set both relativenumber and number , I can achieve this. But the issue is that it will waste horizontal space by reserving a column specifically for the actual number and have a separate column for the relative numbers. I do not want that. I simply want to change the 0 to the current line number.

But the issue is that it will waste horizontal space by reserving a column specifically for the actual number and have a separate column for the relative numbers. I do not want that.

Well, it's a good thing that Vim doesn't work like that at all, then.

Instead of imagining things in your head, how about reading the documentation: :help 'number' and :help 'relativenumber' and actually do things?


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