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Persisting select option on page refresh React Remix

I have a select with 2 options ( en, no ), which switches the language onChange.

I store selected language to localStorage . Because I'm using Remix I cannot simply access localStorage, because of the server-side rendering, so I'm using:

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    const localLanguage = localStorage.getItem('language');

Select component:

  onChange={e => changeLanguageHandler(e.target.value)}
  <option value="no" label="NO">
  <option value="en" label="EN">

Translation function:

export function useLocalTranslation() {
  const [language, setLanguage] = React.useState(() => {
     // react lazy initial state 
     // ( i think i should be using lazy initial state, because of the serverside rendering
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      const initialState = localStorage.getItem('language') ?? 'no';
      return initialState;
  const no = useNoTranslations();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const savedLanguage = localStorage.getItem('language');
    if (savedLanguage) {
  }, []);

  const t = React.useCallback(
    (key: TKey) => {
      if (key === '0') return '0';

      if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
        const currentLanguage = localStorage.getItem('language');

        if (currentLanguage === 'no') {
          // console.log(currentLanguage);
          return no?.[key as string] ?? en[key as TranslationsKeys] ?? key;
        // console.log(currentLanguage);
      return en[key as TranslationsKeys] ?? key;

  function changeLanguageHandler(lang: string) {
    localStorage.setItem('language', lang);

  return { t, language, changeLanguageHandler };

My goal is to have selected option saved and persistent on page refresh, now when I refresh the page, it gets reseted to NO ( Norwegian )

I guess you can solve this by giving value attribute instead of defaultValue.

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