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Two map statement within one return with if array contains items from another array

I am building a simple blog app and I am trying to check if blog is in liked blogs array in return function. So I have created two array , one of all blogs and another of liked blogs and I am trying to show message that "Blog is liked" But two map functions in return statement is showing unexpected results or showing strange multiple results.


class Blogs extends React.Component {

   const all_blogs = [
     {"blog_title" : "First Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Second Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Third Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Fourth Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Fifth Blog"},

   const liked_blogs = [
     {"blog_title" : "Second Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Third Blog"},

    render() {
       return (


                 all_blogs.map(blog =>
                     liked_blogs.map(liked_blog => {

                          if (blog.blog_title === liked_blog.blog_title) {

                             return (
                               <div>This blog is liked</div>
                          } else {
                               <div>This blog is NOT liked</div>



I am trying to check if all_blogs blog is in liked_blogs liked or not in liked, and If blog is liked then show return div then if not then show else div

I have tried many times but it is still not working.

The nested map will return multidimention array which will not output the expected result, you need the some method to find if the blog exists in the linked_blogs or not, then conditionally show the message.

 class Blogs extends React.Component { const all_blogs = [ {"blog_title": "First Blog"}, {"blog_title": "Second Blog"}, {"blog_title": "Third Blog"}, {"blog_title": "Fourth Blog"}, {"blog_title": "Fifth Blog"}, ] const liked_blogs = [ {"blog_title": "Second Blog"}, {"blog_title": "Third Blog"}, ] render() { return ( <div> { all_blogs.map(blog => liked_blogs.some(liked_blog => blog.blog_title === liked_blog.blog_title)? <div>This blog is liked</div>: <div>This blog is NOT liked</div>) } </div> ) } }

You should definitely use a dictionary as you stated as a tag like below;

   const all_blogs = [
     {"blog_title" : "First Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Second Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Third Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Fourth Blog"},
     {"blog_title" : "Fifth Blog"},

   const liked_blogs = {
     "Second Blog": true,
     "Third Blog": true,

 const innerContent = all_blogs.map(blog => liked_blogs[blog.blog_title] // this prevents inner loop and runs at O(1)
    ?  <div>This blog is liked</div> 
    :  <div>This blog is NOT liked</div>)

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