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JITWatch Launching TriView for null

I'm trying to run my own classes in JITWatch, however, I can only seem to get the prepackaged.java files in the sandbox/sources folder to work. Every time I run my own classes in the sandbox, I get the following in the console:

Parsing JIT log: C:\path\to\sandbox.log
Parsing complete
Looking up class: MyClassName
Launching TriView for null

The TriView window then opens up with nothing displayed.

I've tried sorting the issue by updating my JAVA_HOME env variable to Java 11, as JITWatch runs on Gradle 5.5.

The class I'm trying to get this working with is as follows:

public class MyClassName {
    public static void doIt() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

            Thread th = new Thread(() -> {
                System.out.println("Hello again");
                System.out.println("Hello one last time");
            }, String.valueOf(i));


    public static void main(String[] args) {


I feel as though I'm missing something small. Any suggestions, please let me know!

I can reproduce your issue, but this does not seem to be the fault of JITWatch, though, the log file simply does not include anything about MyClassName...

I have manually compile and ran the SimpleInliningTest , with that JITWatch shows output.

It seems your class is not touched by the JIT:)

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