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Can I make a progress bar like where the value is just a little image that travels to the end of progress bar in Godot?

Can I make a progress bar like where the value is just a little image that travels to the end of progress bar in Godot?

I was trying to do something like this:

When value is %0

When value is %50

When value is %100

If anyone who knows some way to do this without framing every possible value, please tell me how.

You could create a new scene, with a line2d as its root, and a sprite (with whatever texture you want) as its child. You can set up the line with these properties and could set the image like so . Then all you would need to do is attach a script to the line and increment the x position of the sprite over time. I wrote a script example for you here, but depending on your use case you may want to adjust some things or make some of the variables dynamic.

extends Line2D
var maxSteps = 100
var count = 0
var step = 1
onready var sprite = get_node("Sprite")

func do_step():
    if count < maxSteps:
        sprite.global_position.x += step
        count += step

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