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How to run NX tests with verbose logging?

Running the latest version of NX and its associated dependencies:

    "@nrwl/cli": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/cypress": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/jest": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/linter": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/nx-cloud": "latest",
    "@nrwl/react": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/storybook": "^14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/web": "14.5.4",
    "@nrwl/workspace": "14.5.4",

I run the following command expecting to see verbose logging for my tests:

yarn nx run-many --all --target=test --skip-nx-cache --verbose

but no logging at all appears, and the tests appear to hang without running.

Is there a way to get verbose logging running your project in NX, or is that feature currently broken?

Ran into your question when investigating how to get the results in my local terminal when running a custom target I made for npm audit via run-many. It used to only tell me that both of my projects succeded but I needed to see the results of the audits. For me, I needed to add:


at the end of the run-many command.

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