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How to dynamically set cucumberOptions?

I am trying to dynamically set the tags and the report locations so that I only need one testRunner. Note both are written in groovy, and I can only use up to JUnit 4.8 due to project constraints. Thank you for any help in advance:)

    package cucumber
    import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber
    import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith
            features = "src/main/groovy/customFramework/dummyTests/cucumberTests/addDeal/",
            glue = "src/main/groovy/customFramework/testsPackage/cucumber/StepDefinitions/",
            publish = false,
            monochrome = true,
            tags = "${CucumberTestMaster.tag}",
            plugin = ["pretty", "junit:target/JUNITReports/report.xml", "html:target/HTMLReports/report.html",
    class CucumberTestRunner {


    package cucumber

class CucumberTestMaster {
    String tag="@Daily"
    static void main(String[] args) {
        new CucumberTestRunner()

Unfortunately what you're trying to do is not possible with JUnit 4. You can however use Cucumbers main method. The example below use the maven-antrun-plugin , but any other way to run a main method works.

Note that the main method is a CLI application, so if you pass --help as an argument it will explain what it's options are.


                            <target unless="maven.test.skip">
                                <echo message="Running Cucumber through the CLI" />
                                <java classname="io.cucumber.core.cli.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true" newenvironment="true" maxmemory="512m" classpathref="maven.test.classpath">
                                    <arg value="--plugin" />
                                    <arg value="pretty" />
                                    <arg value="--plugin" />
                                    <arg value="html:target/results.html" />
                                    <arg value="--plugin" />
                                    <arg value="message:target/results.ndjson" />

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