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How to set OnclickListener in recyclerView for going another activity

**Hello everyone. I am new in android development. I am using room database and I set data in recyclerView. Now I am trying to Do when I click any recyclerview item then I need to go another activity.Anyone Please help me. **

MainActivity RecyclerView Adding code

 private fun setUpListOfDataIntoRecyclerView(registerList:ArrayList<registerEntity>,
                                                registerDao: registerDao){

            var itemAdapter = MainAdapter(registerList)
            binding?.rvHappyPlaceList?.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
            binding?.rvHappyPlaceList?.adapter = itemAdapter
            binding?.rvHappyPlaceList?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
            binding?.noRecordText?.visibility = View.GONE
            binding?.rvHappyPlaceList?.visibility = View.GONE
            binding?.noRecordText?.visibility = View.VISIBLE


class MainAdapter(val items: ArrayList<registerEntity>):
    RecyclerView.Adapter<MainAdapter.MainHolder>() {

    //step 2
    private var onClickListener: AdapterView.OnItemClickListener? = null

    inner class MainHolder(var binding: ItemHappyPlaceBinding): RecyclerView.
                           ViewHolder(binding.root) {
                                val llTitle = binding.tvTitle
                                 val llDescription = binding.tvDescription
                                  var llImage = binding.ivPlaceImage

    fun setOnClickListener(onClickListener: View.OnContextClickListener){
        this.onClickListener = onClickListener

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MainHolder, position: Int) {
        val item = items[position]
        holder.llTitle.text = item.title
        holder.llDescription.text = item.description

I recommend you replace:

private var onClickListener: AdapterView.OnItemClickListener? = null

with this:

var onItemClick: (() -> Unit)? = null

You can also delete the fun setOnClickListener(..){}

And add in your MainHolder the binding.root.setOnClickListener{} like:

inner class MainHolder(var binding: ItemHappyPlaceBinding): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
  init {
    binding.root.setOnClickListener {
  val llTitle = binding.tvTitle
  val llDescription = binding.tvDescription
  var llImage = binding.ivPlaceImage

Or if you prefer u can also add the onItemClick?.invoke() in the onBindViewHolder like:

  holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {

And then in your activity, in fun setUpListOfDataIntoRecyclerView add:

var itemAdapter = MainAdapter(registerList)
itemAdapter.onItemClick = this::goToActivity() 

And also add the goToActivity fun like:

fun goToActivity(){
  // launch the activity

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