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I pip installed Prefect but it says "ModuleNotFoundError": 'No module named 'prefect'

I'm not sure what the issue is but

  • I already pip installed prefect and confirmed it's installed: Prefect 2.0
  • Using VsCode
  • Python 3.10.6

check image below for error and code posted for easy copy pasta

from prefect import flow, task
import httpx

def get_stars(repo):
    url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}"
    count = httpx.get(url).json()["stargazers_count"]
    print(f"{repo} has {count} stars!")

def github_stars(repos):
    for repo in repos:

# call the flow!
github_stars(["PrefectHQ/Prefect", "PrefectHQ/prefect-aws",  "PrefectHQ/prefect-dbt"])


I can see that you have not activated your virtualenv that might be the issue, you need to first install virtualenv.

Using this you can install virtualenv in your system:

pip install virtualenv

then you have to create a virtual environment, you can do that by following command.

python -m virtualenv myEnv # ---> whatever name you want here

and then you have to activate the environment by following command:


and to deactivate, simply use:


did you try restarting vscode sometimes it takes a restart?

Do you happen to use venv for virtual environment management? We've seen some users struggling to set it up with venv. Could you try installing with Conda and report back?

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