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I want to setting T4 Template with wildcard in csproj

What I do

I have multiple tt files in my project file. Therefore, many entries are created for each file as follows.

  <Compile Update="Sample.cs">

  <None Update="Sample.tt">

I want to prevent making this entry for every tt file.

What I have tried

The following statements were made using wildcards.

  <Compile Update="**/*.tt.cs">
  <None Update="**/*.tt">

The following settings are used in the tt file.

<#@ output extension="tt.cs" #>


T4 works, but when I save the tt file, the following entry is added to csproj.

  <Compile Update="Sample.tt.cs">


How can I prevent entries from being added?

We can see the description of Update from this page

Enables you to modify metadata of an item; typically used to override the default metadata of specific items after a group of items is intially specified (such as with a wildcard).

Update overrides Compile when save the tt file, so this code will be added to scproj. This doesn't seem to prevent.

  <Compile Update="Sample.tt.cs">

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