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How to modify excel data and export to text file using PowerShell script?

First time poster here. Apologies if I am not following best practices for posting this question.

I am very new to scripting and PowerShell.


I have data in an excel sheet in this format.

Excel Data Image Link


I want to modify and export this data into a text file. In this format.

Required Output Image Link


Till now I have tried to modify the excel data by accessing each cell. To access each cell I am using a similar code mentioned below.

 for (($i = 1); $i -lt 4; $i++)

$c1=("`"" + "$column" + "`""+":")
$c2=("`"" + "$dataType" + "`"" + ",")

I am still not sure if this is the correct way to go.

what would be the best way to solve this?

Just want to understand what I should do to solve this problem. I am not looking for the exact code.

Step by step instructions or some resources would be helpful.


This might help... maybe...

# Import Stuff
$Data = Import-Csv -Path .\Desktop\data.csv

# New Array 
$Output = @()

# Run through Unique Owners
foreach ($Owner in ($Data | Select-Object OWNER -Unique)) {
    $Lines = $Data | Where-Object {$_.OWNER -eq $Owner.OWNER}
    # Lazy way to do a bit of checking, if same then use it or Break
    if ($Lines[0].TABLE_NAME -eq $Lines[1].TABLE_NAME) {
        $Out_TableName = $Lines[0].TABLE_NAME
        # ID and NAME data
        $Out_ID = $Lines | Where-Object {$_.COLUMN_NAME -eq "ID"} | Select-Object COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH
        $Out_NAME = $Lines | Where-Object {$_.COLUMN_NAME -eq "NAME"} | Select-Object COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH
    } else {
        # Show the user that something
        Write-Host "Problem with Owner ""$($Owner.OWNER)"" Data?!" -ForegroundColor Red
    # Output into the array in format
    $Output += @"
"$($Out_ID.COLUMN_NAME)": "$($Out_ID.DATA_TYPE) ($($Out_ID.DATA_LENGTH))",


# Put Output in a text file
$Output | Set-Content .\Desktop\output.txt -Force

I should add, that I had your data in a CSV like this...


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