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Flutter & Firebase: reduce the number of reads with StreamBuilder

I'm building a ranking page with Firebase Firestore as follows:

                        stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance
                            .orderBy('total_score', descending: true)
                            .snapshots(includeMetadataChanges: false),

Everything is working almost perfectly, but I have only one problem: the number of readings is too high, I tried to limit it to 3 but it still reaches a very high number and with only 1 user.

For other pages I use cached data, which reduces the number of reads.

Is this possible in StreamBuilder? Any suggestion?

For StatefulWidget stream api will gets call every state changes. Create a state variable for stream,

  late final myStream = FirebaseFirestore.instance
      .orderBy('total_score', descending: true)
      .snapshots(includeMetadataChanges: false);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

and use it on

     stream: myStream  

You can check Fixing a common FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder problem

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