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How can I show ironSource Interstitial ads on RecylerView Item clicked

How can I show ironSource Interstitial ads on RecylerView Item clicked

This way is not official to solve this problem but it worked for me you can also try it.

 IronSource.init(MainActivity.this, "162082b5d");

 //loading interstitial Ad

 //Init Interstitial
 IronSource.init(this, "162082b5d", IronSource.AD_UNIT.INTERSTITIAL);

 //ironSource Ad
 //Interstitial Ads
 IronSource.setInterstitialListener(new InterstitialListener() {
                        public void onInterstitialAdReady() {
                        public void onInterstitialAdLoadFailed(IronSourceError error) {
                            System.out.println("Failed To Load Ads");
                        public void onInterstitialAdOpened() {
                        public void onInterstitialAdClosed() {
                        public void onInterstitialAdShowFailed(IronSourceError error) {
                        public void onInterstitialAdClicked() {
                        public void onInterstitialAdShowSucceeded() {

How it worked:-

I just called IronSource.loadInterstitial(); in onInterstitialAdShowFailed method.

Hope it works for you. Happy Coding...

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