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How to test conditional creation of a Bean with Spring Boot?

In module AI have this class hierarchy:

public interface Sanitizer<C extends DocumentContext> {
    CommonWorkflowResult<C> sanitizeForInbound(C documentContext);
    CommonWorkflowResult<C> sanitizeForOutbound(C documentContext);

An abstract base class implements this interface:

public abstract class BaseSanitizer<C extends DocumentContext> implements Sanitizer<C> { ... }

The first subclass extending the base class:

public class SaxXmlSanitizer<C extends DocumentContext> extends BaseSanitizer<C> { ... }

The second class extending the base class:

public class RegExXmlSanitizer<C extends DocumentContext> extends BaseSanitizer<C> { ... }

In an different module BI import the dependency (module A) containing the classes above and here I have a configuration defining the beans conditionally on a property being set via application.properties:

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "sanitizer.type", havingValue = "REGEX", matchIfMissing = true)
public Sanitizer regExSanitizer() {
    return new RegExXmlSanitizer();

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "sanitizer.type", havingValue = "SAX", matchIfMissing = false)
public Sanitizer xmlSanitizer() {
    return new SaxXmlSanitizer();

How can I write a Spring Boot test to see that a RegExXmlSanitizer Bean exists in the application context if the property sanitizerType=REGEX is set (and the SaxXmlSanitizer Bean does not exist) and vice versa if the property sanitizerType=SAX is set?

I tried:

void testSanitizerExists() {
            .run(context -> Assertions.assertNotNull(context.getBean(SaxXmlSanitizer.class)));

but I always get a

NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'SaxXmlSanitizer' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate.

I got it running doing it this way:

@SpringBootTest(classes = {RegExXmlSanitizer.class}, properties = {"sanitizerType=REGEX"})
class RegExXmlSanitizerTest {

    private RegExXmlSanitizer<DocumentContext> sanitizer;

    private final ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()

    static class SanitizerTestConfig {
        @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "sanitizerType", havingValue = "REGEX", matchIfMissing = true)
        public Sanitizer regExXmlSanitizer() {
            return new RegExXmlSanitizer();

    void testSanitizerExists() {
                .run(context -> Assertions.assertNotNull(context.getBean(RegExXmlSanitizer.class)));

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