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Add a logo water mark diagonally to an image using PHP

I am trying to add an image watermark to a base image using PHP. I have written the code below to achieve it and am placing horizontally the watermark image centred on the base image.

header('content-type: image/jpeg');
$poster_img = dirname(__FILE__) . '/base.jpeg';
$water_img = dirname(__FILE__) . '/watermark.png';
list($poster_width, $poster_height) = getimagesize($poster_img);
list($water_width, $water_height) = getimagesize($water_img);
$posterimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($poster_img); // base image
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng($water_img); // company logo
$x = ($poster_width - $water_width) / 2;
$y = ($poster_height - $water_height) / 2;
imagecopy($posterimage, $watermark, $x, $y, 0, 0, $water_width, $water_height);
imagejpeg($posterimage, 'watermarked_image.jpg'); 


However, I am looking for a solution to place the watermark 45 degrees inclined to the based image(centred and diagonally to the image). Please refer the image below


I have found solutions to place text watermark diagonally. Does anyone know how to place image watermark diagonally? Thanks in advance!

you propably want to use imagarotate() on your watermak image


header('content-type: image/jpeg');
$poster_img = dirname(__FILE__) . '/base.jpeg';
$water_img = dirname(__FILE__) . '/watermark.png';
list($poster_width, $poster_height) = getimagesize($poster_img);
list($water_width, $water_height) = getimagesize($water_img);
$posterimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($poster_img); // base image
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng($water_img); // company logo
$x = ($poster_width - $water_width) / 2;
$y = ($poster_height - $water_height) / 2;
imagerotate(45, $watermark);
imagecopy($posterimage, $watermark, $x, $y, 0, 0, $water_width, $water_height);
imagejpeg($posterimage, 'watermarked_image.jpg'); 

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