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Foriegn key relation (NodeJS REST API with sequalize ORM)

I'm trying to create a rest a REST API with NodeJS . Am using MySql as the database and Using sequelize ORM.

I was trying to fetch data by joining two tables using findOne .

Attaching the table structure below: 表接触说明


The contact table has one to many relationship with contact_email table.

Below is the sequelize model for theese tables:


const Contact = sequelize.define('contact', {
    contact_id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        unique: true,
        primaryKey: true
    user_id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        references: { model: User, key: 'user_id' }
    first_name: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING
    last_name: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING
    nick_name: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    dob: {
        type: DataTypes.DATE
    address: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    city: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    state: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    country: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    zip_code: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    status: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        defaultValue: 1
    create_date: {
        type: DataTypes.DATE
    update_date: {
        type: DataTypes.DATE
        tableName: 'contact',
        createdAt: 'create_date',
        updatedAt: 'update_date'        

const ContactEmail = sequelize.define('ContactEmail', {
    contact_id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        references: { model: Contact, key: 'contact_id' }
    email: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        primaryKey: true
        tableName: 'contact_email',
        timestamps: false

Contact.hasMany(ContactEmail, { foriegnKey: 'contact_id', as: "emails" })

module.exports = { Contact, ContactEmail, ContactPhone };

Following is the sequelize function to fetch the data:


const Contact = await ContactModel.Contact.findOne({
        where: {
            contact_id: contactId
        include: [{
            model: ContactModel.ContactEmail,
            as: 'emails'

when I call the API, It throws an error from the data

Unknown column 'emails.contactContactId' in 'field list'

The auto-generated query is as follows:

SELECT `contact`.`contact_id`, `contact`.`user_id`, `contact`.`first_name`, `contact`.`last_name`, `contact`.`nick_name`, `contact`.`dob`, `contact`.`address`, `contact`.`city`, `contact`.`state`, `contact`.`country`, `contact`.`zip_code`, `contact`.`status`, `contact`.`create_date`, `contact`.`update_date`, `emails`.`contact_id` AS `emails.contact_id`, `emails`.`email` AS `emails.email`, `emails`.`contactContactId` AS `emails.contactContactId` FROM `contact` AS `contact` LEFT OUTER JOIN `contact_email` AS `emails` ON `contact`.`contact_id` = `emails`.`contactContactId` WHERE `contact`.`contact_id` = '5';

My table doesn't have a column contactContactId . It should be contact_id . Does anyone know the solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

// import the models Contact & ContactEmail

const contact = await Contact.findOne({
        where: {
            contact_id: contactId
        include: [{
            model: ContactEmail,
            as: 'emails'
const Contact = sequelize.define('contact', {
  id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    autoIncrement: true,
    unique: true,
    primaryKey: true
  user_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: { model: User, key: 'user_id' }
  first_name: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING

  // ........

  create_date: {
    type: DataTypes.DATE
  update_date: {
    type: DataTypes.DATE
    tableName: 'contact',
    createdAt: 'create_date',
    updatedAt: 'update_date'

const ContactEmail = sequelize.define('ContactEmail', {
  id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    primaryKey: true,
  contact_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: { model: Contact, key: 'id' },
    onUpdate: "CASCADE",
    onDelete: "CASCADE"
  email: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING
    tableName: 'contact_email',
    timestamps: false

Contact.hasMany(ContactEmail, { foriegnKey: 'contact_id', as: "emails" })

module.exports = { Contact, ContactEmail, ContactPhone };

ContactEmail should have the same foreignKey option just like Contact has:

Contact.hasMany(ContactEmail, { foriegnKey: 'contact_id', as: "emails" })
ContactEmail.belongsTo(Contact, , { foriegnKey: 'contact_id' })

Also you can look at my other asnwer on a similar question

The issue has been solved by modifying the modal as follows.


const Contact = sequelize.define('contact', {
  id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    autoIncrement: true,
    unique: true,
    primaryKey: true,
    field : 'contact_id'
  user_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: { model: User, key: 'user_id' }
  first_name: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING

  // ........

  create_date: {
    type: DataTypes.DATE
  update_date: {
    type: DataTypes.DATE
    tableName: 'contact',
    createdAt: 'create_date',
    updatedAt: 'update_date',
    underscored : true

Added field: 'contact_id' to field description and chnaged the name ti id for the and added underscored: true property for model.

Thank you.

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