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Azure Form Recognizer Billing

I have.Net 6 API deployed on Azure with one method Recognize. This method calls Azure Form Recognizer endpoint with invoice PDF and its returning structured object. With this object, I do something on API and return the result to customer. The Form Recognizer is listed under my Subscription in Azure. The fee for one call of Form Recognizer is a small amount. I need this: The customer (with his own subscription in Azure) calls my API with an OAuth token. The API calls Form Recognizer and I need the fee to be charged to the customer's subscription.

Is it possible? Thanks

It is not mandatory that the azure form recognizer service resource can be used within subscription. It can be accessed with endpoint and key secret (Regardless of subscription) from SDK.

You can use SDKs to access the form recognizer service resource. You can analyze files with form recognizer resource in customer's subscription from your API logic from API resource in your subscription. Learn more about Form Recognizer SDK: Use Form Recognizer SDKs or REST API

I didnt find a way to pass customers subsription id to form recognizer throught Form Recognizer SDK. My authentication looks like this:

AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(key);
DocumentAnalysisClient client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(new Uri(endpoint), credential);

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, modelId, fileStream);

Where key and the endpoint is from Form recognizer Keys and Endpoint :


When I tried to past Subsription ID as Key it ended in error

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