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Change Image.asset opacity using opacity parameter in Image widget

I have a simple image that I want to put semi transparent. I have seen some methods to do it, but none of them was talking about the parameter opacity of the own Image.asset that accepts a widget of type Animation . Is it possible to change the opacity permanently with this parameter?

  height: 380,


If you want to use parameter inside the Image widget, you can construct something like this:

        height: 380,
        opacity: AnimationController(
            vsync: this,
            value: 0.5

But it's better to use @Hippo Fish receipt, to wrap Image inside Opacity widget:

          opacity: 0.5,
          child: Image.asset(
            height: 380,
            width: 380,

Of cause you need to use mixin like

with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin

to use vsync: this

Actually, the question point using opcaity on Image.asset . You can use AlwaysStoppedAnimation

  opacity: const AlwaysStoppedAnimation(.5),

To have animation, you can pass animation here.

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