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Replacing ImmutableMap keys in AutoValue with toBuilder()

I've come across a problem when using AutoValue with geneated Builder and fields with Guava ImmutableMap.

Say we have this Container value class:

public abstract class Container {
   public abstract ImmutableMap<String, String> metadata();

   public abstract Builder toBuilder();

   public static Builder builder() {
      return new AutoValue_Container.Builder();

   public abstract static class Builder {

      public abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> metadataBuilder();
      public final Builder addMetadata(String key, String value)  {
         metadataBuilder().put(key, value);
         return this;

When I want to do the following, the ImmutableMap builder throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key

aContainer.toBuilder().addMetadata("existingKey", "someNewValue");

Does anyone familiar with AutoValue know how to coax the implementation to do as told?

There's a documented workaround in the builders-howto documentation . Quote:

  public abstract class Foo {
    public abstract ImmutableMap<Integer, String> map();

    public abstract static class Builder {

      private final ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, String> mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();

      public ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, String> mapBuilder() {
        return mapBuilder;

      abstract Builder setMap(ImmutableMap<Integer, String> map); // not public

      abstract Foo autoBuild(); // not public

      public Foo build() {
        return autoBuild();


      // #start
      // Needed only if your class has toBuilder() method
      public Builder toBuilder() {
        Builder builder = autoToBuilder();
        return builder;

      abstract Builder autoToBuilder(); // not public
      // #end

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