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Is there a way to store and retrieve the history of shadow-cljs' REPL over different sessions? How to use previous commands?

I am using Emacs, CIDER, and shadow-clj/shadow-cljs to develop a project in Clojure/ClojureScript. All this in a macOS Monterey 12.5.

Before that, I was used to programming with Emacs, Slime, Common Lisp, and SBCL. Sometimes, I want to have a similar UX in this new lisp environment similar to my previous experience on the other lisp land.

I am having multiple hassles (as expected) and pains with the new environment. One thing, in particular, has been quite annoying.

After executing cider-jack-in-cljs , shadow-cljs , shadow (REPL), and app (for the build), the REPL does not "remember" the previous session. I can't access the commands that I executed before quitting. It only remembers the commands executed on the current session. This is hindering my interactive programming productivity.

In Slime, this was possible. And quite handy.

Is there some way to preserve shadow's REPL's history over sessions?

Use cider-repl-backward-input and cider-repl-forward-input to go forward and backward in command history over sessions.

See CIDER // docs - REPL history browser .

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