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Setting up Snowflake ODBC with Azure AD SSO for Excel/Power BI

I'm looking to use an ODBC connection in Excel to pull data from our DW, we access Snowflake via Azure AD so we don't have a password.

I got the User DSN setup fine, using only the following parameters:

  • server (format [organisation].[region].snowflakecomputing.com
  • tracing (defaulted to 4)
  • authenticator = externalbrowser

I can't test the connection because there's no username or password, and from the documentation on Snowflake ( https://snowflakecommunity.force.com/s/article/HOW-TO-connect-to-Snowflake-authenticating-with-Azure-AD-SSO-from-MS-Excel-ODBC-driver ) it suggests that when trying to connect via the ODBC in Excel, I should get a browser window to sign-in to Azure, but this isn't happening?

Any ideas what might be amiss?

When you mention that you access SF from Azure AD, does that imply that the SF app is listed on the Azure AD Tile for users and they select it to be given access? If so, then that is called as the IDP initiated SSO but that cannot be directly used logging in from Excel to SF. I am not sure if there is any plugin for excel that can do this but if using "externalbrowser" then the authn expects the user / pwd conmbination.

If looking to do without the password part, then I think the Seamless SSO would be needed. Check this out: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-sso

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