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Angular - Using mergeMap to fetch data from 2 APIs and saving them in an Array

Scenario: On ngOnInit, I need to call 3 APIs, Fork-Join them and save data in an array. 1st API is independent. 2nd is also independent but the 3rd one depends on response of the 2nd API.

I have not worked with forkjoin or mergemap before and I am a bit confused.

What's happening:

I have created a common method which takes an identifier to figure out which endpoint to hit and the object with required parameters and then there is response and error handling.

Service File:

  callMethod(str, obj, cb?) {
    return new Observable(observer => {
      this.httpService.getHttpParams(this.URLS_CONSTANT[str], obj, res => {
        observer.next(res.data.content ? res.data.content : res.data);
      }, err => { })


So, I am able to fetch the response from all 3 APIs but the final result after fork-join contains the response of 1st and 3rd api. the response of 2nd is missing, and I dont know what is going on.

This is the method I wrote:

  fetchAllData() {
    let inp = this.input_row;

    let response1 = this.service.callMethod('rate_plan', { companyId: inp.cpnyId, servAbbr: inp.servAbbr, productNumber: inp.prdctNo, orgNumber: inp.orgNo, rateCategory: inp.rateCat, ratePlanNumber: inp.ratePlanNo });

    let response2 = this.service.callMethod('approve_rate', { prodctNo: inp.prdctNo, servAbbr: inp.servAbbr, companyId: inp.cpnyId, ratePlanNo: inp.ratePlanNo }).pipe(map(item => {
        this.approveRate = item
        let appRate = item[0]
        return appRate
      }), mergeMap(data => this.service.callMethod('rate_detail', { companyId: inp.cpnyId, ratePlanNo: inp.ratePlanNo, rateCaseGrpngNo: data['rateCaseGrpngNo']})) )

      forkJoin([response1, response2]).subscribe(x => console.log(x))


The final console has values of response from API call 1 and 3. What change is required to create an array with three separate objects. Let me know if any more clarification is required.

Your approach is perfect, but the second response can be run through a switchMap to get the third response, then run over a map, to return the individual values of secondResponse and thirdResponse inside an array!

fetchAllData() {
    let inp = this.input_row;

    let response1 = this.service.callMethod('rate_plan', {
        companyId: inp.cpnyId,
        servAbbr: inp.servAbbr,
        productNumber: inp.prdctNo,
        orgNumber: inp.orgNo,
        rateCategory: inp.rateCat,
        ratePlanNumber: inp.ratePlanNo,

    let response2 = this.service
        .callMethod('approve_rate', {
            prodctNo: inp.prdctNo,
            servAbbr: inp.servAbbr,
            companyId: inp.cpnyId,
            ratePlanNo: inp.ratePlanNo,
            switchMap(responsesecond => {
                this.approveRate = responsesecond;
                let appRate = responsesecond[0];
                return this.service
                    .callMethod('rate_detail', {
                        companyId: inp.cpnyId,
                        ratePlanNo: inp.ratePlanNo,
                        rateCaseGrpngNo: responsesecond['rateCaseGrpngNo'],
                        map(responsethird => {
                            return [responsesecond, responsethird];

    forkJoin([response1, response2]).subscribe(x => console.log(x));

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