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R get_followers() more than 75,000 not possible, even with retryonratelimit = TRUE

I want to download all followers of a Twitter user with the function get_followers from the rtweet package. With an older version of the rtweet package, this worked without any problems, although it took a long time. Since I updated the package (current version is 1.0.2), I only get the first 75,000 followers, even though I set the retryonratelimit -option to TRUE.
The function downloads the first 75,000 followers, then waits 15 minutes and then ends the download process without any message.
Here you can see my example code:


# I have authenticated myself with auth_setup_default()

df_follower <- get_followers("CDU",n = 800000,retryonratelimit = TRUE)

> df_follower 
# A tibble: 75,000 × 2
   from_id             to_id
   <chr>               <chr>

Can someone explain me where the problem is and how I can download all followers?
Many thanks in advance!

Sorry, this is a bug fixed in the devel branch of the package (I think you asked in the issue tracker https://github.com/ropensci/rtweet/issues/732 ). In the next release this will be fixed.

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