I have a large data.frame called "sim" that has a character colunm named "CAUSABAS", something like this: This data.frame is created using the pack ...
I have a large data.frame called "sim" that has a character colunm named "CAUSABAS", something like this: This data.frame is created using the pack ...
I have a df I would like to modify var2 to '0.3' for 25% of the dataframe using: However, I would like the 25% of data to be selected by descend ...
I have a dataset that looks like the one below where there are three "pairs" of columns pertaining to the type (datA, datB, datC), and the total for e ...
I want to add a column at specific position in r, but mutate (xx, .before = "exisiting column) doesn't work right: It creates a ".before" column ra ...
I have a dataframe in R where I have a column with a numeric indicator, and I want to create a new column picking from other columns in the dataframe ...
In a dplyr mutate context, I would like to select the column a function is applied to by purrr:map using the value of another column. Let's take a te ...
So, my data looks like the following: Period Date 1 01-01-2020 1 02-01-2020 ...
I have this dataframe As you can see I have different LOD values, for each marker in each plate. So I calculate the mean LOD for each marker using ...
I'm still learning R and was wondering if I there was an elegant way of manipulating the below df to achieve df2. I'm not sure if it's a loop that is ...
I have a dataset of students, and I want to create a column that categorizes each student based on their and other students' data in their "subject" a ...
I have a long dataset with students grades and subjects. I want to keep a long dataset, but I want to add a column that tells me how many Fs a student ...
I have two columns, let's call them start_id and end_id, each with character string observations. Their structure must remain as chr. This is in a da ...
I am attempting to add a new column to all the dataframes in a list that I have (long list containing ~200 dataframes), based on the existence of colu ...
I am a complete beginner in R. I installed R couple of days ago to complete my course assignment. One of the instructions was that I have to change th ...
I'm having a problem where I want to mutate two variables with values 0, 1 and NA into a new variable with the sum of 0 and 1, however, R in my case c ...
I'm still little new to R and was wondering if I there was an easy way of manipulating the below df to achieve df2. I'm not sure if it's a loop that ...
So, the problem is, I'm trying to get the first smaller value within the top rows of the transformed variable. My df looks something like: ...
I'd like to replace all values in df_skeleton columns with the corresponding value from df_ref excluding the Date Time and ID columns. Values in df_s ...
I need to create a binary variable called flow.type based on the length of a variable called 'cluster'. If the length of a cluster is 1 then flow.type ...
I would like to find a value using a hashmap and then use this value to calculate a new one. Usually I try to work efficiently, but I am not very prof ...