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How to setup firebase with nrwl-nx to work with angular and nestjs

Im currently trying to learn how to work with monorepos. I setup a angular and nestjs repo and managed to deploy the nestjs to cloud functions with the gcp cli .

However I want to try to use firebase (functions for the backend and hosting for the angular part). However I am unsure how to properly setup firebase in a monorepo. It usually creates a function folder in the root of the directory which dosnt work since the api files will be in dist/apps/api.

Would you setup firebase in the root of the project or rather have it initialised in the relevant apps directories?

to work with angular & firebase, I suggest using The official Angular library for Firebase "@angular/fire".




I already successfully setup nx + angular + firebase. (ps. with only one app in nx monorepo)

details and pictures can be found here:


I suggest you also try to setup a new nx + angular workspace, walk through my steps and see how it works.

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