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How can I make a system to notify a user if changes have been made to content after it was submitted?

I need to make a feature that will notify a user if the content in the database has changed since it was inserted. I assume it would work somewhat like an eSignature. The two solutions I have come up with (comparing duplicated data and comparing hashes of the data) seem to be relatively inefficient.

Is there a better or more standardized way of doing this?

You can add an another column named isEdited in you contents_table with default value of 0 . In any update api, you should modify isEdited to 1 silently from server-side itself. I think this will be standard method even which I use in production level applications.

In client-side, use that isEdited key to indicate users whether the content is edited or not. Thats it.

Any improvements on this is appreciated:)

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