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Convert geometry from bounds to Polygon

I have a geopandas DataFrame with bounds geometry.

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({
                        'id': [0, 1],
                        'b': [((40.6494140625, -86.7919921875), (40.69335937...)), 
                              ((39.55078125, -93.8232421875), (39.5947265625...))]


Bounds(sw=SouthWest(lat=32.8271484375, lon=-96.8115234375), ne=NorthEast(lat=32.87109375, lon=-96.767578125))


<class 'geolib.geohash.Bounds'>

How do I turn Bounds into Polygon geometry type? Like,

Polygon((40.6494140625, -86.7919921875), (40.69335937...))

Suppose you have:-

# bound1 = The geohash.Bounds object.

you can proceed with:-

from shapely.geometry import box
bounds_pgon = box(bounds1.sw.lon, bounds1.sw.lat,
                  bounds1.ne.lon, bounds1.ne.lat)
# Check the result

the output will be similar to this:-

'POLYGON ((-27.9986 70.2987, -27.9986 70.3001, -28.0000 70.3001, -28.0000 70.2987, -27.9986 70.2987))'

This is really the same answer that @swatchi has provided.

Shape of the geometry is defined by the precision of the hash. See reference: geohash

import geolib.geohash
import shapely.geometry
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

# Bounds(sw=SouthWest(lat=32.8271484375, lon=-96.8115234375), ne=NorthEast(lat=32.87109375, lon=-96.767578125))
# regenerate the referenced geohad bounds
b = geolib.geohash.bounds(
    geolib.geohash.encode(lat=32.8271484375, lon=-96.8115234375, precision=5)


gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    pd.DataFrame({"id": [0], "b": [b]}).assign(
        geometry=lambda d: d["b"].apply(
            lambda b: shapely.geometry.box(b.sw.lon, b.sw.lat, b.ne.lon, b.ne.lat)

gdf.explore(height=300, width=300)


Bounds(sw=SouthWest(lat=32.8271484375, lon=-96.8115234375), ne=NorthEast(lat=32.87109375, lon=-96.767578125))


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