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Mysql sql select table each 1 hour

I have this table:

|Date                       |type|               |Value|
|09/05/2022 00:03:04|        |Water|               |8.3|
|09/05/2022 01:02:04|        |Water|               |3.3|
|09/05/2022 02:13:04|        |Water|               |1.3|
|09/05/2022 03:33:04|        |Water|               |3.3|
|09/05/2022 04:43:04|        |Water|               |5.3|
|09/05/2022 05:53:04|        |Water|               |6.3|
|09/05/2022 06:22:04|        |Water|               |47.3|
|09/05/2022 07:55:04|        |Water|               |48.3|
|09/05/2022 08:03:14|        |Water|               |8.3|
|09/05/2022 09:33:04|        |Water|               |9.3|

I need to have:

|Date                       |type|               |Value|
|09/05/2022 00:00:00|        |Water|               |8.3|
|09/05/2022 01:00:00|        |Water|               |3.3|
|09/05/2022 02:00:00|        |Water|               |1.3|
|09/05/2022 03:00:00|        |Water|               |3.3|
|09/05/2022 04:00:00|        |Water|               |5.3|
|09/05/2022 05:00:00|        |Water|               |6.3|
|09/05/2022 06:00:00|        |Water|               |47.3|
|09/05/2022 07:00:00|        |Water|               |48.3|
|09/05/2022 08:00:00|        |Water|               |8.3|
|09/05/2022 09:00:00|        |Water|               |9.3|
|09/05/2022 10:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 11:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 12:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 13:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 14:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 15:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 16:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 17:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 18:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 19:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 20:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 21:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 22:00:00|        |Water|               | |
|09/05/2022 23:00:00|        |Water|               | |

Is it possible?

I have some data in a day... So i Need to know from 0 am to 23 pm which data i got. And if a data Is between 2 hours i Need to have First data at beginning. For example, if i got data at 00:05:00 am i Need that data is stored at 00:00:00. So if i have many data from 00:00:01 to 00:59:59, i Need only last One and show It at 00:00:00. So i Need last data for each hour in a day. How can i do with mysql SQL? Tks

You can use date format:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(column_name, '%m/%d/%Y %H') as datee, type, value
from TABLE
group by datee, type, value

Brief Explanation:

  1. Recursive hours , this gets 0 to 23 hour range
  2. yourdatetime , this gets all unique dates from yourtable including hours from 0 to 23
  3. output , basically yourtable with a column added (row_number) used later in the where clause to include only last data appear in the same hour in a day

See db<>fiddle

    SELECT 0 AS level
    SELECT level + 1 AS value
    FROM hours
    WHERE hours.level <= 22
yourdatetime AS (
  SELECT date, level
  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(date,10) AS date FROM yourtable) tmp
  CROSS JOIN hours
output AS (
    type, value,
    DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(date, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s'), '%m/%d/%Y %H:00:00') AS date,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(date, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s'), '%m/%d/%Y %H:00:00') ORDER BY date DESC) AS rn
  FROM yourtable
  DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(t1.date, level), '%m/%d/%Y%k'), '%m/%d/%Y %H:00:00') AS date,
  COALESCE(t2.type, 'Water') AS type, 
FROM yourdatetime t1
LEFT JOIN output t2 ON DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(t1.date, level), '%m/%d/%Y%k'), '%m/%d/%Y %H:00:00') = t2.date
WHERE rn = 1 OR rn IS NULL  
ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(t1.date, level), '%m/%d/%Y%k'), '%m/%d/%Y %H:00:00')

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