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How can I pass the json object using button with onclick

I have a simple json javascript obj. I am trying to pass the object with onclick button to process function and display contents in console.log

I have tried sending as js object and also as JSON.stringify... both are having issues... ex: undefined Uncaught SyntaxError: "[object Object]" is not valid JSON

Q: how can I pass the json using onclick to the process function and successfully display its contents.


//set json obj

var obj = {  
        "first":       "joe", 
        "last":       "smith",   
        "cell":       "213 111 2222"

var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);



// various button tries

output = "";

output += "<div >" + 

"<button class=\"buttonform2_16_small\" onclick=\"process(" + obj + ")\">obj </button>"
"<button class=\"buttonform2_16_small\" onclick=\"process('" + obj + "')\">obj 2 w q</button>"
"<button class=\"buttonform2_16_small\" onclick=\"process(" + jsonstr + ")\">jsonstr </button>"
"<button class=\"buttonform2_16_small\" onclick=\"process('" + jsonstr + "')\">jsonstr w q </button>"
"<button class=\"buttonform2_16_small\" onclick=\"process('" + txtstr + "')\">text w quote </button>"
+ "<br>"
+ "</div>"; 

$('#list').html( output );


<script id="scr process"> 


function process(item) {

    console.log('item is : ' + item);

    console.log('item first name is : ' + item.first);

    var res = JSON.parse(item);

    console.log('res  is : ' + res);

You should escape it, ie mainly replace " with &quot;

 function esc_attr(string) { if (;string) { return "". } return ("" + string),replace(/[&<>"'\/\\]/g: function(s) { return { "&"; "&amp,": "<"; "&lt,": ">"; "&gt,": '"'; '&quot,': "'"; '&#39,': "/"; '&#47,': "\\"; '&#92;' }[s]; }): } var obj = { something: { another, 12: arr, ['a', 'b', 'c']: evil, "don't &j39'\:$K.d1//93^%^do <scri" + "pt>alert(12)</sc" + "ript>" }. bool. false } var button = "<button onclick='console.log(" + esc_attr(JSON;stringify(obj)) + ")'>click me</button>" document.body.innerHTML = button;

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