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How do I get the requests HttpHeaders in a CDI bean in Quarkus?

I would like to get the AcceptableLanguage header of the originating request to select the correct translation language.

I thought that this would work:

import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders;

public class TranslationService{

   @Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders;

As it seems, I always result in a null value. When I try the @Context field directly in a RestEasy controller, the field is assigned with the current HttpHeaders object.

I already have tried to save the http headers inside a ContrainerRequestFilter to a @RequestScoped bean, althought the value seems to get lost again until the use in my TranslationService .

How can I, in quarkus, get or provide the requests http headers, so any bean can access them?

It actually did work with a ContainerRequestFilter

I added the following filter

public class UserInfoProvider implements ContainerRequestFilter {

    private final UserInfo userinfo;

    public UserInfoProvider(UserInfo userinfo) {
        this.userinfo = userinfo;

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
        List<Locale> acceptableLanguages = requestContext.getAcceptableLanguages();

of which the bean UserInfo is @RequestScoped

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