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Celery request: custom attribute

There is a tracker class, that just counts success , failed , pending , and started tasks via redis.

The goal is to extend Celery, so its workers can access the group_id and keep statistics for the group. I expect an interface similar to:

def on_important_event(...):
    for _ in range(count_of_jobs):
        my_task.apply_async(..., group_id=group_id)

custom Task class would look like:

class MyTask(Task):
    # declaring group_id somehow
    def apply_async(...):

    def before_start(...):

    def on_success(...):

    def on_failure(...):

I could not find a way to implement the class so it will properly save and receive custom attribute through AMQP .

I would recommend a different approach - write a custom monitor (check the Monitoring API document in the official Celery docs). A good starting point: Real-time processing .

This is basically how Flower and Leek work.

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