I am trying to have a Boost Python function return a Python class which is a subclass of a Python builtin class (here str): My first method involves ...
I am trying to have a Boost Python function return a Python class which is a subclass of a Python builtin class (here str): My first method involves ...
While porting program from boost-python2 to boost-python3, I came to situation, that boost program with embedded python3 crashes on exit, though same ...
I have a piece of software that embeds python using libboost-python. It creates a python module in C++ runtime, and then imports it from python code. ...
I'm really confused with initialzing C++ classes when usign boost::python. When compiling the follwing code with CMake I get no error, warning or some ...
I need to efficiently share data between Python and C++ and use Boost Python and Boost Numpy for this. It works very well for "cartesian" arrays. For ...
I'm trying to create a python library, written in c++, using boost-python, and mingw to compile. c++ Code: So far this is what I have done: py ...
First, pythonanywhere is an amazing remote hosting site, and it would be great if it weren't just for python. I've read loads of solutions, trying to ...
I've already created a so file using boost.python, and importing it in bash is just fine. direct import like this But now I'm wondering if it is pos ...
I want to embed python in c++ with Boost.Python. Environment: VC++2019 x64 project Anaconda env 3.6 64bit Python code in mypackage/mymodule. ...
My environment and Version: The project's code copied from Boost Example/document: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_77_0/libs/python/doc/html/tutor ...
I have a module dlprim its __init__.py incldes: where ._pydlprim is boost.pythom module and .netconfig is submodule. If I generate a documentat ...
I'm trying to install Robot Operating System (ROS) Melodic on my mac (macOS 11.5.1). While compiling cv_bridge package, the compiler spit out an error ...
I'm having some problems with a trivial boost python setup. I have seen a lot of other people have had problems, but none of them seem to be the same ...
I'm looking forward to pass an Python-Object to an Boost Python Class. This Object has an ndarray as attribute and I want to store this ndarray as a p ...
I am trying to build boost-python in a virtual machine running Ubuntu 18, following the guide https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_76_0/more/getting_start ...
I am running python scripts from within my C++ application using boost::python. I get the error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'math'. Some bui ...
I have no working code to show the output. Requirement is to call this python module "pylib" from Go code. Many similar posts has suggested to use o ...
I am having problems passing back an <std::vector <std::vector <boost::shared_ptr Detection>>> and I was hoping someone could help m ...
I'm trying to create boost python module and test producer & consumer problem. But I faced some error and problems... Below image shows my goal ...
I have the following struct: I want to expose it in my python module to do some stuff: however when I compile the interpreter and pass the follo ...