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Retrieve a pod inside a repo nested folder

We have a developing framework which sharing repo with other frameworks. Here our currently structure:

- Repo root:
  - Framework A
  - Framework B
  - OurFramework:
    - OurFramework:
      - OurFramework.podspec
      - Code and other stuffs

Now we have to apply our framework to another project which is included with CI/CD. We have tried Submodule and Development pod method but it's not allow with current CI/CD setup. We decide to try this podspec in the root of a library repo . Here is our syntax in pod file :

pod 'FrameworkName', :git => 'git@github.com:company/rootRepoName.git', :branch => 'OurFramework-framework'

But when i pod install it said that Unable to find a specification for 'OurFramework' . We also try :path => or :podspec => to point at our.podspec file directory but it didn't help. My question here is: Is there anyway to retrieve our pod framework privately without create another separated repo for it?

I have founded a solution for this. So i bring OurFramework.podspec to repo root, then edit it to correct the source path:

 s.source_files = "OurFramework/OurFramework/Sources/**/*.{swift,h}"

After that it will work like a charm!

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