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IntelliJ runs old version of tests and will not compile

In the past there has been no issue updating a test and run it in IntelliJ. Now, even after a File->Invalidate Caches->Invalidate and Restart an older version of the test runs.

Running mvn clean compile before rerunning the tests in IntelliJ resolves the issue ( mvn clean test also works as expected). An attempt to compile the project in IntelliJ results in a java: package com.shared does not exist . This is strange the project builds fine in Maven and IntelliJ does not catch any compile time errors with imports.

Could the error be related to the multi module project I recently created in Maven?

File->Invalidate Caches->Invalidate and Restart 

is not enough. Here are the steps to fix:

  1. Delete.idea folder
  2. File -> Close Project
  3. Reopen the Project

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