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Mule 4 Anypoint Studio download file from external api

I will need to create a flow in Anypoint to download a.gz file from an external API source(through OAuth). I have created a listener -> Request -> Write flow. But I don't see the file saved in my local after I called the API. I have hardcoded Bearer token in the header and raw parameters in body, everything looks good. It doesn't show any error but when I tried to debug it and I'm seeing output and payload both are empty. I'm able to download the gz file with Postman. Am I in the right direction? I saw someone was using outbound endpoint but it is not showing in Mule 4.

Is there any way I can see what the external API returned(Success or failed)? And the content? Please advise.

Many thanks.

Regards, Richard

You can add loggers to the application to trace the execution.

You could also enable HTTP wire logging to print requests/responses in the log too. To enable it you have to set the package org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger to DEBUG in the log4j2.xml or in the Runtime Manager console. Detailed instructions available at this KB article .

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