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Translate Enum Keys with i18n in Angular and bind to MatSelection

I have an Enum like this

export enum LogEvent
    All = 0,
    Created = 1,
    Modified = 2,
    Delete = 3

I want to convert these enum keys with i18n translation and bind them to MatSelection. The selected value should be the number.

Please help me with this.

You can try:

  1. Create Pipe transfrom like this with i18n:

     @Pipe({ name: 'textLogEvent', pure: false }) export class LogEventPipe implements PipeTransform { constructor(private translate: TranslateService) { } transform(value: Enums.LogEvent) { try { switch (+value) { case Enums.LogEvent.All: return this.translate.instant('t-all'); case Enums.LogEvent.Created: return this.translate.instant('t-created'); case Enums.LogEvent.Modified: return this.translate.instant('t-modified'); case Enums.LogEvent.Delete: return this.translate.instant('t-delete'); default: return this.translate.instant('t-undefined'); } } catch (ex) { return ''; } } }
  2. In the mat selection you can use pipe text to load this enum value number like:

     {{ value | textLogEvent }}

Hope this help!

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