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How to place two elements in a row while using .each loop in rails

I want to show two columns of the code in table data tag"" per row while using '.each' method. But the issue is that the following code displays one column in a row.

  <% @lease.apartment.roommates.each do |roommate| %>
      <td colspan="5">
        <% unless roommate == @lease.second_occupant || roommate == @lease.user %>        
          <% if roommate.current_room.present? %>
              <%= roommate.full_name %> - 
              <% if roommate.current_room.apartment == @lease.apartment%>
                <%= roommate.current_room&.label %> 
              <% end %>
              <br>Email:<%= roommate.email %><br>Phone:<%= roommate.phone %><br>
              <% if @lease.end_at.present? %>
                Lease End date (if applicable):<%= @lease.end_at %>
              <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
  <% end %>

You can use the each_slice method for dividing the array into slices of 2 elements each:

  <% @roommates.each_slice(2) do |roommate_slice| %>
      <td colspan="5">            
        <%= roommate_slice[0].full_name %>
        <%= roommate_slice[1].full_name %>
  <% end %>

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